Tuesday, February 28, 2006


We first learned about Titanic at a terrific exhibit at Mystic Aquarium a year or so ago. They had an awesome model of it which was eighteen feet long, and R has been fascinated by it ever since. We've seen several videos and read many books on the subject. Just this evening B asked R if he knew why it sunk and R replied with a detailed explanation, which far exceeded "because it crashed into an iceburg". So it didn't surprise me when R asked me to tape Titanic's Final Moments; Missing Pieces on the History Channel the other night, since it was on after his bedtime.

This evening we all enjoyed watching it. It had lots of video footage as current as December 2005. It was interesting to learn about the newest theories regarding how it actually sunk. Yes, there are new theories. And R just loves knowing what they are. Ask him about them next time you see him!

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