Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Library Day

This morning while R emptied the dishwasher, the two of us had an interesting conversation regarding why a saucepan would not make a good baseball bat. He originally thought it would, but then saw that the scoop would not work as he originally visualized.

Among other things, Wednesday is usually library day around here. Today we headed down to visit the one in East Haven. We were specifically looking for books about Hungary, and the online catalog told us that East Haven had a good selection. We came home with two, plus lots of fictional audiobooks for each of the boys to enjoy. The East Haven library is rather small, and we probably won't visit it again.

We are going to study Hungary for the 5th Annual Homeschool International Fair in which we will be participating on March 28th. We've never participated in it before and are really looking forward to it. Some friends participated last year, and had lots of fun. We chose Hungary since we are hungarian and have lots of resources. The boys are looking forward to some Chicken Paprikash. I am looking forward to Kifles (yummy hungarian cookies) but they are so much work, I may just photograph them for the fair, and keep them all for us. Nagy PaPa (pronounced Nudge Papa and means grandfather - who is by the way, 100% hungarian) would probably be devastated if he found out I made them and gave them all away.

Well I'm off to clear some room downstairs for R to start working on his K'nex roller coaster. The thing is going to require some major space, and therefore actual rearranging of furniture.

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