Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Make-up confidence?

We had a great time visiting with friends today. We haven't spent time with the A family in quite a while, and all of the B's had a very enjoyable afternoon. We are looking forward to a repeat visit in two weeks.

After their departure we had to run up to Oakville for our food co-op order. The boys are both extremely bummed that they did not deliver the dried mango I ordered. They must've been out.

This evening I took a class at the local high school entitled "Developing Make-up Confidence." I was really interested in learning how to choose the correct color foundation for my skin tone. I need to start covering up this rosacea without looking like a clown. Unfortunately, this was not the class to do this. The instructor is an Image Consultant who was out to sell her own products. So whenever she put something on one of the "students", she'd tell us the name of the color, but never once told us the name of the product. She made quite the effort to cover the name of the products as she was dispensing them too. Luckily I caught a glimpse of it and wrote it down, and once home a simple google search had me find out that it is a line of cosmetics from a group called Quixtar, which is basically an Amway type deal. She also said that she had researched all her products and that they have no artificial ingredients. I began to search that too, but then decided against spending my time that way. I can just go to The Green Guide to find recommendations for make-up that won't kill me; I did find out that make-up can actually contain mercury under a disguised name. Why does everything have to be that way? Maybe I'll just stay red.

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