Sunday, March 12, 2006

St. Patrick's Day Parade

On Saturday afternoon R was playing outside with his friends and suddenly came running in and straight up to the bathroom. He threw up, but was more upset about being sick on a weekend when all his friends were home. So he brushed his teeth and went back out.

I headed out to a fabric store where there was a sale gong on, and when I got back home around 4:00 I learned that R had thrown up in the car on the way back from E's basketball. He threw up once more before going to sleep early. E got some special time just with Mom and Dad when we watched Stars Wars II with him and he got to go to bed late.

Sunday morning E was out making clothespin obstacle courses in the sand pit while B was weeding the strawberry patch. I sent R out to lay in a lounge chair in the fresh air. Later R was very disappointed to miss the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. And so was I. E and B had an excellent time though and enjoyed some pizza on the way home. I spent the afternoon making the curtains for my bedroom, and R rested and watched TV.

I've always wondered why the St. Patrick's Day Parade is the weekend before St. Patrick's Day here in Connecticut. I guess maybe they don't think anyone will show up on a weekday? Jeeze, several years ago on a St. Patrick's Day I passed a bar here in Cheshire that was open and broadcasting live on a radio station when I drove past at 7 am on my way to work. Irish people will not miss a party. I really do hate having it on the wrong day. Maybe they think they can't compete with New York? Maybe. They do show the NY parade on TV here and I've watched it. We will definitely go down for it next year since it's on a Saturday.

I brought some forsythia inside to bloom. If your forsythia are currently showing buds, snip off some branches and throw them into a vase inside. After a couple of days you'll have blooms. It's an easy and cheap way to bring spring inside. It will be wonderful to have their blooms as it snows on Friday. I'll post an "after" picture here once they do bloom.

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