Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A great day for a bike ride

It is so beautiful out there today. The boys and I went for a bike ride on the linear path. We made it all the way to Lock 12. R hadn't been there in a while and gleefully announced "it's a canal!"
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I learned all about it on Popular Mechanics for Kids. It opens up and lets the water out so it's high enough for boats to pass through."

Along the way we stopped to watch some ducks and we got to see two males fighting over a female. It was actually comical to see one duck yelling at another for quite a long time. Then it got physical, with one jumping on top of the other, and the female yelling about it all from a few feet away. E insisted on staying to see it to the end, when the female and her champion flew off.

We also enjoyed the sounds of birds and watching squirrels and having races every so often. It's days like today that remind me why I do this.

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