Thursday, March 16, 2006

Spring cleaning is coming soon...

The boys had Craft and Swim today. My friend M. drove them so I had a little time to myself. I did a few errands and cleaned through some paperwork. I hung up the leprachauns the boys made today, but they seem to have disappeared, so no photo for here.

Instead I happily present a shade of crocus which is new to us this year. What a pretty color! I just love seeing all the crocus pop out of the leftover leaves and dead foliage from the year before. I also enjoyed observing emerging chives, peonies, hyacinth, daffodils, daylilies, and some grass-looking stuff which I don't remember.

Plus the birds are singing all around us. Even our hawk has returned; I hear it screeching overhead quite often. What is really wonderful is that it has returned with a companion. The two of them can take on all the crows. What a great feeling to see them; this means there will be a baby soon! We will have to go out into the woods and find their nest. They fly quite low overhead, really low actually. It is so exhilarating to hear them screech, and run outside to find them level with the top of our house. I am concerned about them, however, since a very nearby meadow is currently having six homes built on it. I hope they don't end up having to find somewhere else to go for sustenance. Although I hate to be a potential "accomplice" perhaps I'll start feeding the smaller birds again. Now that three neighborhood cats have relocated to Holland I had been considering it anyway.

I just love spring!

We gave the livingroom a good tidying up today. I swept away the leftover sand from the mess that surrounds our front door, and cleaned up all my magazines, while the boys returned everything that belongs there into their rooms. I have to admit I've been getting that itchy feeling that precludes my throwing lots of stuff out. Every day I feel like our house is shrinking a little more...

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