Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A wonderful Wednesday

Today TWO families came for a visit. The kids all had a great time playing together. My boys love playing with Q (next to R), but his sister (next to him) ends up feeling left out. So this time I invited M (second from right) to come to keep her company, but they all played as a group the entire time! They all made Lego vehicles and raced them around, R giving building tips to those who needed them. Later they played outside too. And I had a wonderful visit with two of my dearest friends.

Went to the library today too. I returned Gangs of New York and renewed Queer as Folk. What an amazing show; the lives of several gay men. I can't believe this has made it to American TV. Watching it has been bringing back lots of warm, fuzzy memories. I really do miss having gay men in my life. I managed to watch nine of the 22 episodes in one week, and because it's over three discs they let me renew it for another. I've been staying up all night watching it. I'm totally addicted. It truly is like a blast from the past.

Here is E with a picture he drew.
"Who is that a picture of, E?"
"You can tell from the 'B' on the hat that it's R. Can you tell what this is?"
"Looks like a dog to me."
"Yes, it's a dog that's sitting down. Can you tell what's next?"
"Is that a cat?"
"No, it's a [really loooong pause] fox. And all around is a giant snake. Can you see it?"

We spent some time working on our Hungary display today; only three days to go. R is finally getting into it!

Lots of silliness during dinner tonight. Blowing bubbles is always fun, and the boys are always very impressed with how I can burp so loud on demand. Comes from growing up with two brothers I guess. R is working on perfecting his own technique.

E spent some time practicing blowing bubblegum bubbles today too. He's getting pretty good!

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