Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Time kid-less

The boys were invited to sleep over some friends' house last night. Despite the fact that I have a ton of things to do and a whole vacation, which we are leaving for in ten days, to plan, B and I could not resist the opportunity to go on a date. We went to the movies and saw Little Miss Sunshine. I cannot praise this movie enough. It was belly laugh funny, and the audience actually applauded at the end! Go see it immediately!

This morning it was heavenly to wake up to an empty house. B leaves for work early, so I was all alone. I have to admit that I sorely miss being alone. As I sat eating my breakfast I picked up a copy of Newsweek and read an essay by Anna Quindlen entitled "Live Alone and Like It". It's amazing how these things show up when I most need to read them. I miss having my own apartment and being alone. It's why I stay up all night after everyone has gone to bed. I need a couple of hours a day alone. An extremely difficult predicament to find oneself in when you are a homeschooling stay-at-home mom!

1 comment:

livnletlrn said...

Time kidless...mmmm! When I'm kidless, I usually have to work, but 2 nights ago I had the house to myself (!) and indulged in a whole evening of knitting in glorious, uninterrupted silence. Amazing recharge time!

I can't remember the last time I saw a movie in a theater, but you're the second person I've heard recommend Little Miss Sunshine. It must be a winner.