Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Week in Photos

I uploaded a bunch of photos from my camera today. We've been doing lots of fun stuff!

R made a castle wall out of the candy legos he got for his birthday:

E finally talked me into giving him the basket full of washing machine treasure I've been collecting for the last six months or so:

We went swimming at the Cheshire Pool with the Greater New Haven Homeschoolers. Happily, our favorite friends from the group showed up:

We visited with a friend's family this weekend. The boys had the opportunity to learn how to ice-skate for real. They had excellent teachers, and made "new" friends,

while the dads ice-fished, or had fun trying:

We all had a really relaxed and fun time. I'm glad my family enjoyed spending time with this family as much as I've always enjoyed spending it with their mom.

R got a giant bruise from a fall he took out on the ice. It's really hurting him but he says it was worth it. He had a great time.

We spent some time working on Valentine's Day cards:

And this evening we are ready and waiting for the 4 to 8 inches being forecast for overnight.
I'm looking forward to actually using the snowpants I finally found to buy.

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