Monday, June 04, 2007

Tattoos for sale

A few days ago E had a tattoo sale. We all looked very cool walking around in our tattoos and matching Incredibles shirts.

Today we went to a used curriculum sale. For me one of the harder things about being an unschooler is that when I was a kid I loved all the workbooks. I've learned the expensive way though, that they just don't fit into our lives. We did get a few other books though. I'm very careful now though seeing how I have two cartons of books in the basement to donate to the CT Homeschool conference.

We stopped into Barnes and Noble today too. I had the browsing books urge, I guess. E bought himself four sticker books with some of his birthday money, and R bought himself a Harry Potter chess set. I bought nothing. Yay me!

This evening E and I read a book about Raccoons. One night last week we (okay, I) forgot to close the van doors and in the morning we found we had had a visitor. The boys questioned why he didn't go through our extensive garbage, but it seemed pretty obvious to me as our giant BJ's tub of pretzels was all over the place. It was kind of cool to see his footprints on thick roll of newsprint I had recently bought from our local Step Saver (a Pennysaver type thing). Anyway E decided he wanted to learn all about raccoons, and I happened to have a book on the subject.


triple d said...

Did you save the paper to make something out of it?
Sounds like you guys had a great day!

Love 2B Homeschoolers said...

Yes we saved it, but haven't done anything with it yet.