Saturday, June 02, 2007


R scored big in the strawberry patch today. He wasn't thrilled when I told him he had to share with everyone, but realized it wouldn't be fair if he ate them all.

I am really psyched to have a great harvest again. We haven't had a great one in a few years. I am going to make strawberry ice-cream and strawberry jam and strawberry pie.

Strawberries are the most pesticide laden food one can buy, and organic strawberries run $5 a pound in season. So we don't eat fresh ones as much as we'd like (organic frozen strawberries are reasonably priced, comparitively speaking). We are all really excited.

Today while the boys were at soccer I started tackling our mess of a basement. I really need to de-clutter down here. I can't take it anymore.

Also today, we had someone stop by to take measurements for a deck for us. I was thrilled to find someone trustworthy. Stuart is the dad of someone on R's soccer team. He has his own carpentry business. I had heard that about him, then saw an ad for his business in the Cheshire Herald. When I saw that I checked out his website, and was happy with what I saw. So today he came by and took measurements, and hopefully if he's within our budget, we will have a new deck by the end of July. Woo hoo!

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