Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Camping in New Jersey

This past weekend we headed down to New Jersey for the boys' cousin Sean's first birthday. His family owns a nice in-ground pool and the boys enjoyed the entire day swimming in it. Uncle Matt even brought out these really cool motorized boats for the kids to ride. All the photos can be viewed by clicking on the link on the right. There are even a couple of me.
The drive to Uncle Matt's is 3.5 hours, so we camped in a nearby state park. We drove down to the campsite in NJ on Friday, attended the party on Saturday, and came home on Sunday morning. It was a decent campground, and since it's a state park it was inexpensive. Plus our site was right next to the relatively clean bathroom, so it worked out well. We'll probably stay there again for Neil's birthday party in August.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

livnletlrn said...

I TOTALLY want to play bumper boats on those things. But in an adult size...with lots more power...and drink holders! :-)