Friday, July 07, 2006

Cheshire Pool and a Birthday Party

This fun Friday we couldn't go too far from home, since we had a birthday party to attend this evening. So we spent the afternoon at Cheshire pool. It was a lot of fun. Even all the camp kids couldn't detract from our enjoyment. We did lots of swimming and R enjoyed jumping off the diving board several times.

We came home for a while and after I showered R read me half of Green Eggs and Ham.

From 6:00 to 8:00 we attended a party at Imagine Nation in Bristol. R and E had become friendly with K in Craft and Swim, and were invited to his birthday. He's the one with his tongue sticking out. B was invited too - he's the one all the way on the left.

The boys had a very fun time, although they would have preferred to have more time exploring the museum. They spent an hour and a half having pizza, ice-cream, and cake, opening presents, bopping eachother over the heads with balloons, and making slime out of borax and glue. So that left only half hour for exploring. It was a fun museum that we will probably visit again sometime. And the boys decided they would like to get to know K better. So I'll be emailing his mom to set up a playdate this week.

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