Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Lego Engineering Challenge...

Transportation System for the Future (ages 10-14)

Work with your team to design, create, and market a futuristic transportation system, then present your creation to your parents at the end of the day. Please bring a bagged lunch. August 8, 9AM – 3PM (presentation to parents at 2PM)
This was at the New England Air Museum. R was nervous about being dropped off for such a long day. He was also nervous about having to read or write, which he is still not so great at, and also managed to be upset that he didn't have a decent lunch bag to bring, and had to use a paper bag. Luckily we met a friendly homeschooler on the way in, who distracted him until it was time to begin. And in the end, he had a lot of fun, and was glad he went.
The two teams designed their futuristic vehicles, and R was very happy that his team got 13 votes and the other, seven, when the audience was asked which vehicle we might actually want to buy.
I have to admit, that I'm really proud at how comfortable R is in speaking in front of a group. And this was in front of a group of about 20 strangers. No problem. And it turned out that reading and writing wasn't necessary.

On the way home we discussed being an engineer. He has always wanted to be an architect, but now that he realizes the difference, he's changed his mind. He is so blessed to be able to pursue his passions, and know what they are, at such a young age.

I used B's cell phone in case R felt he needed to get in touch with me at any time during the class. He really was nervous! When E and I left him, we drove down to B's office, which was (sort of) on the way home. B was happy to see us, and E was thrilled to have some crappy cereal from his cafeteria.

We came home after that, and spent some time playing games until it was time to go get R. We had a nice afternoon together.

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