Sunday, July 08, 2007

B is in Alaska, fishing

His first day he caught a 67 pound halibut. He's also caught some salmon (which I am glad of since it has less mercury than halibut). He's having an amazing time. He took my camera, so hopefully we'll have some good photos to look at when he returns. Luckily he gets phone service if he stands "just so" outside his lodge, so we've been able to speak to him every morning, despite the four hour time difference. Having that cell phone from work has been handy.

That first day I spoke to him, he called from Juneau and said there were five cruise ships in the harbour. I was glad to hear it as this was the main reason I could not muster up excitement to organize a trip for the rest of us to go. It would have been like going to Disney World during vacation week in February. R and I have discussed it and someday we will get out there together. It is a place I will see before I die.

It's been tough living without a camera here at home.

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