Friday, July 06, 2007

Independence Week

The boys and I went to Maine on Monday afternoon, and had a really enjoyable couple of days. In no particular order, we saw the movie Ratatouille and watched some excellent fireworks over Square Pond. R played some par three golf with Aunt Debbie, Uncle Rob and Uncle Rob's partner Sheila's son Christopher, while E and I played miniature golf with Grandma and Sheila. R was incredibly thrilled to have beaten Christopher, and more importantly, Aunt Debbie.

We also paid a visit to the dollar store, compliments of Grandma, went for a walk to the waterfalls near Grandma's, and had an amazing time at Granny Kent Pond (Grandmother - my grandmother - has a house on that pond where the clan gathers for summer fun). Both boys had an amazing time playing with their cousins. In 1997 FIVE boys were born to my Grandmother's family, so the boys have a bunch of cousins to play with. R also had an excellent time tubing off the back of Uncle Larry's boat, and E had the chance to drive it. Uncle Larry is cool (and only three years older than me).

We all hated having to come home on Thursday, but E had a piano class that I didn't want him to miss. There are only six (very expensive) sessions, and I didn't want him to fall behind. He and I were both very happy to have returned for it.

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