Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A job "interview"

Today we took a trip to Marlborough, CT to meet with someone I used to work with back before R was born. She is in need of a freelancer and thought of me. She has an awesome network of Macs in her house; yes indeed I am quite jealous of that set up. And me on my pathetic Dell.

It was really great to see my former co-worker. She has done very well for herself. And I'm also glad she kept me in mind. I'm hopeful that this could turn into some regular work for me. The extra income would be nice, but more importantly, I would love to get back into stimulating my brain again. Much as I love being home with the boys, I truly do miss graphic design. I miss feeling totally competent. And I miss the constant and immediate feedback.

Her setup is such that I can work at her home, and she has no problem with my bringing the boys. I would really love to get set up in my own home though, but that would mean reinvesting in an updated Macintosh system for myself.

Anyway, it wasn't so much an interview as much as a chance for the two of us to reconnect, and for her to show me what she's up to and may need help with. I'm really happy. Ten to 15 hours a week is totally manageable and would probably help make me a better mother, to be perfectly honest. Sometimes I feel like my brain is turning to mush. It's partly why I started a new blog; to make myself think.

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